Comments on: Simple Flagpoles GOOD, OL' FASHIONED, OUTDOOR, SCOUTING FUN FOR THE 21ST CENTURY! Thu, 09 Apr 2020 15:57:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Green Wed, 19 Feb 2014 02:15:03 +0000 In reply to Erin Howarth (@howarthe).

By the way, Scout Staves are 5′ long.

By: Larry Green Thu, 23 May 2013 19:07:45 +0000 Thanks for your comment. The kind of simple flagpole described in this post is without a halyard. Why I mention this is because, TYPICALLY, raising and lowering a flag consists of attaching the flag to a flagpole that’s already erected. This post addresses raising the flagpole. Of course, the flag would already be attached. Oh, also, to help figure out how long your guy lines should be, the optimum length is twice that of the height where they’d be attached to the pole, measured from the point where the pole meets the ground. (Height x 2 = distance to the anchor point.) Have fun!

By: Erin Howarth (@howarthe) Thu, 23 May 2013 18:47:20 +0000 My Girl Scout is in the 4th grade, and the girls in her troop are fans of “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scouts.” They want to learn pioneering. I want to teach them, even though I haven’t learned it yet. I’ve decided that I want this to be our first project. Being able to put up a flagpole will also help me with the work I do with my Cub Scouts. They have to learn how to raise and lower a flag on a pole, and it would be great if I could put one up in the front yard for them to practice with. Anyway, I’m trying to read your article and come up with a shopping list. I see I am going to need 4 scout staves (6’x1″) an assortment of rope and three stakes. It’s the lengths of rope I’m having trouble determining. I’ll need to make six (6) round lashings, and you note that I can do that with 6′ ropes. You make a point of stating where I should tie my guy lines, but you don’t say how long the lines will be in the end. That’s okay. I remembered Pythagoras, and I worked it out: 25′. Thanks!

By: Scout Meeting Challenge: Flagpole Race | SCOUT - PIONEERING Thu, 09 May 2013 18:48:03 +0000 […] Scoutcraft skills come into play in order to successfully complete this Simple Flagpole challenge. Each patrol flies their patrol flag from a 14′ flagpole they construct using the […]

By: Scout Meeting Challenge: Flagpole Race | SCOUT - PIONEERING Thu, 09 May 2013 07:18:40 +0000 […] Scoutcraft skills come into play in order to successfully complete this Simple Flagpole challenge. Each patrol flies their patrol flag from a 14′ flagpole they construct using the […]

By: Simple Rope Halyard | SCOUT - PIONEERING Sun, 21 Apr 2013 22:45:29 +0000 […] the campsite it’s easy to fly the the colors by simply tying them directly to the top of the simple flagpole with a short cord. But, on a taller pole that’s going to stay standing, and when you want to […]

By: Simple, Tall Pioneering Flagpole | SCOUT - PIONEERING Thu, 18 Apr 2013 04:03:39 +0000 […] and putting up a taller flagpole requires more attention than an easy campsite setup, but all in all it’s still a relatively simple operation. Basically, four things are […]
