Chris is adjusting a spanner rope, Garrett is waiting to begin a test walk as Justin is adjusting the rope tackle.
Assembling Double A-Frame Monkey Bridge 1) Using three square lashings for each, and 20’ ropes, put together four A-Frames with 8’ sides and a 6’ base. Make sure the butt ends of the 8’ spars are on the bottom. Try to make these A-Frames as equal to each other as possible. (A shear lashing at the tops of each A-Frame is recommended.) 2) Lay out the 50’ “Foot Rope” in the area where the bridge will stand. Hammer a stake at the center and measure 10 feet on each side. Stake off these 10 foot measurements. This is where the A-Frames will be positioned. Bring the A-Frames over to where they will be positioned (two at each stake). 3) Measure an additional 10 feet from the A-Frame stakes on each side, and hammer in a 3-2-1 anchor on each side, making sure they are aligned with the “Foot Rope.” (Hammer in the 2 stakes two feet from the 3 stakes. Hammer in the 1 stake, one foot from the two stakes. See page 57 in the merit badge pamphlet.. Don’t forget to attach the white rope grommet around the 3 stakes before joining the 3 stakes with the 2 stakes with twisted binder twine.) 4) While the anchors are being built, have two-four Scouts hold up two of the A-Frames positioned so the bottom spars overlap 1/2 their length. Using 10’ ropes, lash the bottoms together with four tight shear lashings. Where the 8’ spars cross, tie a tight square lashing using a 20’ rope. Repeat this process with the other two A-Frames. These double A-Frames can be laid down until the anchors and walking ropes are ready. 5) While the anchors are being built, also lay out the “Hand Ropes” on each side of the “Foot Rope” and join these together with three clove hitches, using the 8’ ropes. Tie these “stringers” 4’ from each other, starting at the center. 6) When the anchors are done, have four Scouts hold the double A-Frames in position while two more place the “Foot Rope” in the “Vs” of the frames. Remember to first line the “Vs” with a piece of cloth. At the same time, two more Scouts should lift the “Hand Ropes” into place. 7) String each end of the “Foot Rope” through the white rope grommet. Prepare a rope tackle in the ”Foot Rope” on each side, and temporarily tighten each side without applying too much torque. Attach the “Hand Ropes” to the grommets with a round turn and two half hitches. (If there’s enough rope use a rope tackle for each connection. otherwise use a round turn and two half hitches.) 8) Tie each “Hand Rope” to the top ends of the A-Frames with a clove hitch, loosening one side at a time to do so. Complete the bridge by retying the “Hand Ropes” with a round turn and two half hitches.