Single Lock Bridge: Photos & Commentary

Single Lock Bridge, Camp Coker, Society Hill
Single Lock Bridge, Camp Coker, Society Hill

This fundamental trestle bridge design yields a solid structure. With Adolph Peschke’s text as the main point of reference, under the following photos there are some guidelines that will help in its successful construction:

Building the Trestles and Walkways
Building the Trestles and Walkways
Unerspar and Plank
Lashing on the Walkway Underspar and Plank
Carry and Strop
Transporting the Subassemblies to the Ravine and Attaching the Walkways to the Trestles
  • When using the length of spars in the list of materials, choose a ravine or stream that is at least wide enough to assure the interlocking trestles can be spread at a distance that will allow the formation of a comfortable angle of just about 45°.
  • Make it a priority to lash the top ledgers as low as necessary to assure they will end up about 1 foot above the level of the banks. Whatever the height, they need to be at least 6 inches from the end of the trestle legs, so when the trestles interlock, the “V” that is formed on each side is deep enough to rest the 3 inch-diameter transom in between.
  • The bottom ledgers need to be lashed at least 6 inches up from the butt ends of the trestle legs to assure there’s enough leg to heel in as necessary when it comes time to even the transom and add stability.

Pioneering Bridges and the Saga of the Bridge of Fifteen Nations


Summer Camp Promotion