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How Many National Parks Have You Visited?

The United States has hundreds of national monuments, seashores, historic sites, rivers, battlefields and memorials. But there are only 63 officially-designated national parks.

National parks are very popular and attract millions of visitors every year, but not many people can say they’ve visited them all. In fact, if you’ve been to just 16 of the 63 parks, you’re way above average.

So how many parks have you visited? Take our checklist challenge and find out.

10 Comments on How Many National Parks Have You Visited?

  1. been to all

  2. Hi i have been to all of them

  3. xKingJames in Minnesota // October 21, 2015 at 8:30 am // Reply

    I’ve been to Voyageur, and that’s it. šŸ™

  4. RocketPackJack // October 17, 2015 at 2:36 pm // Reply


  5. Shenandoah and Grand Canyon šŸ™

  6. Traveler with family // October 7, 2015 at 10:13 am // Reply

    I have been to 14!!!!

  7. What about the other 300+ units of the National Park System?

  8. I have 3arn3d 8 babges,.

  9. 8 of them.

  10. Some of these I’ve only driven through.

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