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Can You Name These Official State Animals?

Each state has an official state animal. Can you match these creatures to their state?

13 Comments on Can You Name These Official State Animals?

  1. Birdnerd12 // May 6, 2020 at 11:27 am // Reply

    57% ok

  2. 57% yay

  3. Happy thanksgiving!!!šŸ¦ƒšŸ¦ƒšŸ¦ƒ

  4. 42% YO!

  5. i got 5

  6. Boomer Smith // November 12, 2019 at 8:17 am // Reply

    100%!!! Guessed on 3 of them!!!!

  7. Why no Mighigan? I got a 85

  8. i love animals

  9. 57%… I would have done better if they had done any South Carolina ones… (White Tailed Deer, Carolina Wren, Spotted Salamander, etc.)

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