Comments on: Pioneering at the 2014 Dixie Fellowship GOOD, OL' FASHIONED, OUTDOOR, SCOUTING FUN FOR THE 21ST CENTURY! Fri, 10 Oct 2014 18:21:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scout Pioneering and the Order of the Arrow’s Dual Purpose | SCOUT - PIONEERING Tue, 29 Apr 2014 03:34:19 +0000 […] Plans to Grow: The more the Pioneering skills are developed through learning and application, the greater will be the capacity for sharing these skills through the construction of interactive Pioneering displays, while exampling cheerful service! Those who appreciate the fun in using only poles and rope to build a useful structure, who enjoy working together as a team utilizing specialized skills to get the job done, and who have experienced the sense of accomplishment that goes along with completing a Pioneering project that illustrates “old-school” Scouting know-how, need no coaxing when invited to do it again and again! The chapter just found out that a local pack has requested they build a simple Single A-Frame Bridge with twin walkways for their outdoor Webelos crossover ceremony this February. But, they’re most excited by the largest venture coming up in April! Santee Lodge is hosting this year’s Dixie Fellowship at Camp Coker. With the input of the Chicora Chapter Pioneering Crew and with the help of many other, eager lodge brothers, Pioneering crews will be erecting an enormous gateway flying the American flag, the Order of the Arrow flag, the World Scout Crest flag, and the state flags of NC, SC, and GA. These six flags will surround a 10’ banner welcoming everyone to the Dixie Fellowship! The OA Pioneering Crews will also build a 12’ Swing Boat and 10’ Atomic Pile for intermittent fun during the Fellowship. With over 1,000 OA brothers in attendance, sharing the satisfaction inherent in serving Scouting and promoting the Order of the Arrow through well-presented displays of Scout Pioneering will be a blast! (See: Pioneering at the 2014 Dixie Fellowship.) […]
