Jamboree Pioneering Area: Bridges

Left to Right: Crossing Single A-Frame Bridge / Building Single A-Frame Bridge / Crossing Pre-stressed Triple Walkway Bridge / Crossing Double A-Frame Monkey Bridge
Left to Right: Crossing Single A-Frame Bridge / Building Single A-Frame Bridge / Crossing Prestressed Triple Walkway Bridge / Crossing Double A-Frame Monkey Bridge

The bridges featured in the pioneering area of the 2013 National Jamboree were a modified Double A-Frame Monkey Bridge, a specially designed pre-stressed triple walkway bridge, and two Single A-Frame Bridges that Scouts could put together from a couple of kits we supplied.

Single A-Frame Bridge Building. The kits we supplied for the construction of a Single A-Frame Bridge afforded crews an opportunity to build their own simple crossing bridge. Each group’s success was gauged by how they all could use it to cross the ditch and then all stand on it and pose for a group photo. So the activity wouldn’t be too time consuming, the walkway subassemblies were pre-made. Click here for photos of the crews.

Modified Double A-Frame Monkey Bridge. By far, the bridge that received the most play was the monkey bridge. There’s just something about making your way on a foot rope that appeals to young folks, and frequently there was a line of Scouts waiting to make the crossing. This bridge illustrates a nice approach to the double A-frame construction. Click here for photos and information about the modified design.

Link to: Prestressed Triple Walkway BridgePrestressed Triple Walkway Bridge. The most sophisticated and by far most substantial bridge erected up on Garden Ground Mountain on the occasion of the 2013 National Jamboree was this well-designed prestressed bridge. Without getting technical about compressive forces and tension and stress mechanics, suffice it to say the bridge was impressively well-built and strong. Click here for information and photos.