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6 Fast Facts About Blizzards

Here are six interesting facts about blizzards:

1. A blizzard is a storm that lasts at least three hours and produces a large amount of snow.

2. In the U.S., blizzards are most common in the upper Midwest and the Great Plains.

3. Most blizzards occur between December and February.

4. The Great Blizzard of 1888 is one of the most severe recorded blizzards in American history. It struck the East Coast March 11-14, producing snowdrifts of more than 50 feet.

5. The word “blizzard” was first used to describe a cannon shot. That changed in the 1870s when an Iowa newspaper used it to describe a snowstorm.

6. A blizzard is considered very strong when winds are more than 35 miles per hour. Severe blizzards can produce wind speeds comparable to a Category 1 or 2 hurricane.

10 Comments on 6 Fast Facts About Blizzards

  1. facts are too long

  2. They are cool

  3. nice! but I need more facts

  4. More facts make them up if you have to

  5. um……………………………………….. MORE PUH-LEASE!!!!!! (great and interesting facts though๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  6. How did ithappen

  7. Leyt The Great // May 15, 2024 at 3:47 pm // Reply

    I liked your facts about blizzards. They helped me work on a school project about blizzards!

    Not that helpful

  9. can you make them shorter

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